Roman Stitch

Roman Stitch as instructed in Knit Stitch Guide by Rita Weiss
This stitch is a lot like the previous, just that there are two rows of K1P1 instead of one — creating a small patch of moss stitch between sections of stockinette. This causes the pattern to be six rows instead of four. The book calls for the pattern to be finished off at row 4, just before the moss stitch section, so I've made my swatch sixteen rows, or 2 2/3 of the pattern.

I noticed that my swatch folded in on itself at the moss stitch sections, almost like those two rows created a crease as if on paper. The Andalusian Stitch swatch remained flat at that K1P1 rows, at least until it curled up like stockinette. This will be useful to know if I ever have to knit something three-dimensional with corners. I can crochet boxes and such, but I figured knitted sides would have to be sewn together.
